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Ecommerce Development

Ecommerce Development

We work with you to understand your requirements for your e-commerce or business website.  We discuss not only the aesthetic appeal to the site but the functionality of the website as well.  After our consultation sessions, a wire frame design (proof of concept) will be given to you for approval.  After approval of the proof of concept, the building of the site will take place on the platform of your choosing.


Website Administration and Content Management


Every e-commerce site has a back-end interface where the administration of the website is processed.  ESG will manage the content displayed to your customers from your administrative console in the back end.  We will update pricing, shipping, and add fresh content to your site.  Keeping content fresh and new is significant to web crawlers thus improving your rankings in organic search results.


Product Photography


Nothing catches a customer’s eye more than a vivid picture.  At ESG, we use professional cameras and digital imaging software to enhance your product images.


Product Photography Services:

  • One Image per Item

  • Multiple Images per Item

  • On-Model/ Mannequin

  • Post-Production Photo Processing (cropping, color correction, red eye removal)

*Ecommerce Development is an add-on service separate from fulfillment services.

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